Assess the evidence
The evidence base for preventing violence against women varies across and within the 7 strategies of RESPECT. It draws on a number of systematic reviews of existing interventions on preventing violence against women. Please see pages 10 and 11 of the RESPECT framework.

Updated evidence
The body of evidence underlying RESPECT is evolving. A new systematic review has been completed in 2022 and will be used to update RESPECT. An evidence and gap map summarizing the updated evidence from 2022 is available below. The evidence and gap map highlights where more or less evidence is available from high income country settings (dark green bubble) and low and middle income countries (lighter green bubbles). Click each bubble for a list of all the reviews that are included under the particular type of RESPECT strategy. The findings of this evidence and gap map will be published in Ullman et al. Forthcoming.

theory of change
In designing your intervention or programme, it is important to elaborate on the theory of change. Simply put, once you decide which risk and protective factors your intervention will address, you can specify the activities or inputs, the expected outputs and how these can contribute to changes in desired outcomes in the short- and medium-term and potentially impact not only violence, but also other health and development outcomes in your setting. An example of a generic theory of change is available on page 12-13 of the RESPECT framework.