Relationship skills strengthened
Women are more likely to experience violence when they are in relationships characterised by poor communication, high conflict, unequal power dynamics, controlling behaviours or in which either partner holds attitudes or beliefs that condone violence within relationships.
The objective of this strategy is to improve men’s, women’s, couples’ and other family members’ skills in interpersonal communication, conflict management and shared decision-making.
While this strategy focuses on adult relationships, further guidance on effective approaches to working with families and adolescents, particularly in the context of school and dating violence, can also be addressed as part of the E of RESPECT focusing on Environments made safe and the C of RESPECT focusing on Child and adolescent abuse prevented. Therefore, some of the interventions may be included and/or cross-referenced in the briefs for these two strategies.

Types of interventions
Types of interventions include:
- Group-based workshops with women and men to promote attitudes and relationships centred in equality.
- Couples counselling and therapy that reduce violence between couples wishing to stay together.
See pages 3-4 of the R strategy summary brief for evidence for interventions under this strategy.